Wednesday, December 12, 2012

Emotional journeying.

The emotional journey of the past few days for me could be compared to an extremely hilly, winding road. Today I've wanted to cry the entire day, to just release all of this that's been building up. A few tears came, but sometimes they don't. Sometimes, no matter how much you want to weep unabashedly, it just won't happen. All you can do is breathe. And I've been confronting my patterns, stalking them you could say, one by one, little by little, day by day. I have been remembering to come back to the center, to the present, but I, we (as in the whole world) need to remember that you can do "not-doing". when you are not doing, you are being. that is all.
I feel so emotional today. I have been reading the Mastery of Love - The Art of Relationship by Don Miguel Ruiz. All my blessings to you, Don Miguel. Thank you so much for your simple and pragmatic words. You have truly touched my life and helped me to remember unlike anything else. I highly, highly recommend this book to everyone. There is not one person alive who could not benefit from reading his books. Every day I make a new agreement with myself to love myself and respect my body. Sometimes it's very hard, because the Parasite (what Don Miguel calls the part of us that tries to make us fail), it is very tricky and clever. So its very hard work, and it is a process. But every moment is beautiful.
Thank you for being, and I love you.

1 comment:

  1. This is a great book, thanks so much - I am now half way through. When we are on the path of being all we can be, of self love, of value creation, truly loving others becomes possible. It is a blessing to know you and your sister and this blog; it is enriching my life and I feel grateful. Love to You. <3
