Wednesday, February 27, 2013

Beautiful Food Photos

I thought, since this is a blog all about raw foods, I could write a post about all the little delicious updates that have been manifesting themselves for us lately.

delicious gooey sweet amazingness
which we ordered from the Bautista Family.

We got a variety pack of three different kinds - Zahidi, Halaway, and Khadwary.
We got a whole 10 pounds of firm-pack dates (wet pack are more expensive) for only $55 !!!

Zahidi are chewy, and taste nutty and light. Halaway are super super gooey and sweet and soft. And Khadrawy are somewhere in the middle. They are all perfect, and I can tell you that the first row of all three is now nearing the bottom of the box ;)

And now, plenty of beautiful food photos for your pleasure and inspiration..

Zucchini pasta salad with almond ginger dressing (recipe to come in later post, because it's amazinggg)

Intimate Brazilian Chocolate Pie

Cabbage Wraps with Pineapple Sauce and Sesame Sauce

Collard Wraps with Almond Hummus

Before shot of butternut squash soup (sorry no after shot)

Rainbow Nori Rolls with Garlic Vinnegrette (so simple and yummy if you want the recipe just comment)

Alright, so there is our food updates. If you love food porn as much as we do, (and we really love fruit porn;) please tell us how much you love it and maybe we will start posting even more of our beautiful creations. 

We love love love you!

Monday, February 25, 2013

How do you treat animals?

“The greatness of a nation and its moral progress can be judged by the way its animals are treated.”

I just read this on a webpage for information about the Essenes. It sounds like they were some very amazing people. Every day I feel inspired to educate people about the truth of what is really happening to animals all across this earth, every single hour, every single day. 
I need those of you who are reading this to pause and take a moment to considering the nature of suffering. Those humans who suffer pain, do so by choice; they are evolved to that point of having at least some awareness of the choices that they make to either feel pain or joy, even if they simply suffer out of habit (which is all it is).
However, the animals who are tortured, kicked, punched, raped, cut, shoved into boxes, and have hate projected onto them by those who truly hate themselves, they are not choosing this. They are not choosing to be the object of another's own self-denial - they simply want to be loved. They simply want to be happy, to feel at peace with life and live in harmony with their families and their loved ones. They just want to live in freedom. Don't we all?

I know you hear it probably once every other day depending on where you live, but if you are not living a vegan lifestyle, you are choosing to contribute to the real pain and utter terror of these beautiful, beautiful very sentient creatures. You are choosing to allow the mental disease of others leak off into your life, whether you believe it or not. You are choosing fear over love. I'm not going to sugar-coat it. Even cheese and eggs are not truly vegetarian, not when the mother cow is being raped for her milk and having her child torn from her not even moments after he is born, and the hens beaks are being clipped even on organic farms. Not when this world is the way it is. And you can't continue to pretend as if you don't know, as if you don't see. Because it's clear and plain to see for all who choose a way of compassion and open their eyes.
May some part of you awaken to something you have not seen before every day. Our actions, even if they seem small, do indeed make a profound difference and impact on the whole consciousness of this world. 

Wednesday, February 20, 2013

The Joy of Presence

I am really passionate about creating delicious living edible masterpieces. It is truly a joy and a pleasure for me. In cultivating my talents and rewiring my brain to fully serve my purpose, I am learning how to create every experience into the same kind of feeling ; a joy, a pleasure, a delight. Even vacuuming, sweeping and wiping windows is fun. 
Intimacy : into me you see. It can be shared with anyone and anything, even the wall or a chair or a bottle. First it must be practiced with yourself. It's amazing to feel intimacy with yourself. It's like you don't need anyone or anything to feel complete and whole and true and YOU. And you don't. Please love yourself today.

If you like any thing here on the blog or have any suggestions for NamaSisters, PLEASE leave a comment :)


Tuesday, February 19, 2013

Kiss the Earth

I'm so grateful to see that more people are viewing the blog daily. It's really exciting, everything that has been happening. It's more than what's been happening, as it is the vibrations we are transmitting that are bringing in new things into our lives, into the beautiful dream we share. So I could say that it's what we have been creating. And I feel inspired to share with others how they can create whatever they dream of in their lives, too. It's truly magical, and it also is completely logical. We are here to live our true purpose, the desires of our hearts. It's so important to focus on gratitude and forgiveness, every day, every breath. Just being alive is incredible. Seeing colors, feeling temperature, tasting flavor and texture, smelling and breathing the bracing, wintery air, feeling the earth supporting our whole bodies.

Yesterday Jenna and I dug up a whole lot of old strawberry plants that haven't produced good fruit in years. We are still in this process. Once we get all the plants out of the bed they are in, we are transferring our compost process to this area, which will be perfect since not much can grow well there as the sunlight doesn't really reach it most of the day. Both of us are soo looking forward to and dreaming about all the working and playing we will be doing in our various vegetable gardens, the one in our yard and the ones we are creating in our neighborhood for the community to volunteer in. We also will be selling the fruits and vegetables at a stand to raise funds for the Brighton Heights community, and we will be selling our home-grown sprouts at these stands as well.

May you be content, grateful, and joyful every moment of the day.


Saturday, February 16, 2013

More Exciting Things

I have some more news for all of you. Our dreams are growing bigger just like the purslane in the front yard will once the weather warms up ;) New seeds inside our lives are beginning to sprout, and I want to share some of it with you...

Introducing...The NamaSisters New (And Probably the First) Pittsburgh-Based (e)Mail-Order Raw Food Snacks and Whole Raw Meals !!!

We have sooo many ideas in the works, and everything will fall together as if by magic. Soon we are going to start experimenting with coconut butter/date ratios for desserts. And we can start creating custom-ordered whole meals as soon as anybody wants something. We will only be able to do the meals for the Pittsburgh Area as the food will be as fresh and high water content as possible.

There are ways you can help us to realize our dream. First, you can tell as many people as you can about our blog and our new email newsletter list. Second, there are certain special tools and ingredients that are needed to create raw food delicacies, and these can cost a pretty penny. If you feel called at all to help us through a donation of any kind, please email us at .

Thank you so much and I am so excited to share more and more with you every day!


Friday, February 15, 2013

NEW NamaSisters email list!

Hey, you fruits and nuts. It's Amanda and I have some wonderful tidbits to share. 

Soon Jenna and I will be sending out newsletters via email to any who would like to receive them from our new

If you want to be on this list just send us a quick email that includes:
your name
how you found us/our blog
and what you would like to see and hear about from us

:) have a beautiful day.

Thursday, February 14, 2013

  More important than the food we eat and the water we drink is the thoughts we feed our minds. 

(I know someone else said this but I cannot remember who, just know I am paraphrasing)

I would also add that the breath is the most necessary of foods for our whole being.

be well