Sunday, January 27, 2013

Eating mostly fruitas!

It's one thing to eat only living foods with active enzymes and another to eat mostly fruit.
I've been adding more and more fruits and vegetables and mushrooms to my consumption and decreasing the heavy fats like nuts and seeds and avocados to a very small amount.
Most people refer to this diet as 80 10 10 or low fat raw vegan. Personally, I don't have or follow a strict diet plan, I just eat what my body wants and what makes me feel the best.
I don't count calories or nutrition facts, I don't have a specific time of day that I eat or a certain amount of meals I eat in a day.
I just eat when I'm hungry.
Sometimes we obsess over following our diet, sticking to the routine, that we actually make ourselves stressed. We focus so much on the outcome rather than the present experience. This can cause us to focus so much on food that we actually eat more!
We want to lose weight, we want to be skinny so we can fit into a dress, we want to look this certain type of way so we that we can feel better about ourselves. But, the truth is how we look isn't going to make us happy. How we feel about our actions and how we take care of ourselves is going to make us happy. 
So when you're eating remember that you are eating to nourish your body, not to change it. 

Adding more fruit and eating less fat has helped my digestion greatly, I never feel bloated anymore and I always enjoy the foods I eat :)
I feel like my energy has gone up and that I can move faster! I feel less tired and I fall asleep really fast. And my skin has gotten smoother too! 
I feel like eating less fat has shown me the attachment I have often felt towards food. Sometimes I ate so many fats just to feel heavy because once I do that I have something to work towards: feeling light. So it creates this crazy, self rejecting pattern. But, if we just remember that we are eating to live not living to eat we don't have to do any of those things. We can have an intimate relationship with our foods and our bodies.


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