Thursday, March 21, 2013


Raw fruit-filled life = LOVE and TRUTH.

Eating simply creates simpler emotions and thoughts. Mono meals are great to give the body a chance to relax from the confusion of complex mixed foods. Cooked complex foods are more confusing for the body, but even raw complexity can be confusing since this is not found in nature. You walk through the forest, you find a bush of berries, you eat as many berries as you want until you feel full, and you go on your way. You wouldn't save some for later to eat with the peaches you're going to find.

Eat fruit. Eat lots of fruits - no deprivation baby! Eat to your heart's content, and feel gratitude for the life and awareness that you are integrating into your physical form. Plants are life. Listen to your body. Listen to your food. Listen to the birds, and the rustle of trees in the wind. Listen. Breathe. Be. Live.

Fruit is LIFE !!!

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