Tuesday, February 19, 2013

Kiss the Earth

I'm so grateful to see that more people are viewing the blog daily. It's really exciting, everything that has been happening. It's more than what's been happening, as it is the vibrations we are transmitting that are bringing in new things into our lives, into the beautiful dream we share. So I could say that it's what we have been creating. And I feel inspired to share with others how they can create whatever they dream of in their lives, too. It's truly magical, and it also is completely logical. We are here to live our true purpose, the desires of our hearts. It's so important to focus on gratitude and forgiveness, every day, every breath. Just being alive is incredible. Seeing colors, feeling temperature, tasting flavor and texture, smelling and breathing the bracing, wintery air, feeling the earth supporting our whole bodies.

Yesterday Jenna and I dug up a whole lot of old strawberry plants that haven't produced good fruit in years. We are still in this process. Once we get all the plants out of the bed they are in, we are transferring our compost process to this area, which will be perfect since not much can grow well there as the sunlight doesn't really reach it most of the day. Both of us are soo looking forward to and dreaming about all the working and playing we will be doing in our various vegetable gardens, the one in our yard and the ones we are creating in our neighborhood for the community to volunteer in. We also will be selling the fruits and vegetables at a stand to raise funds for the Brighton Heights community, and we will be selling our home-grown sprouts at these stands as well.

May you be content, grateful, and joyful every moment of the day.


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