Wednesday, February 27, 2013

Beautiful Food Photos

I thought, since this is a blog all about raw foods, I could write a post about all the little delicious updates that have been manifesting themselves for us lately.

delicious gooey sweet amazingness
which we ordered from the Bautista Family.

We got a variety pack of three different kinds - Zahidi, Halaway, and Khadwary.
We got a whole 10 pounds of firm-pack dates (wet pack are more expensive) for only $55 !!!

Zahidi are chewy, and taste nutty and light. Halaway are super super gooey and sweet and soft. And Khadrawy are somewhere in the middle. They are all perfect, and I can tell you that the first row of all three is now nearing the bottom of the box ;)

And now, plenty of beautiful food photos for your pleasure and inspiration..

Zucchini pasta salad with almond ginger dressing (recipe to come in later post, because it's amazinggg)

Intimate Brazilian Chocolate Pie

Cabbage Wraps with Pineapple Sauce and Sesame Sauce

Collard Wraps with Almond Hummus

Before shot of butternut squash soup (sorry no after shot)

Rainbow Nori Rolls with Garlic Vinnegrette (so simple and yummy if you want the recipe just comment)

Alright, so there is our food updates. If you love food porn as much as we do, (and we really love fruit porn;) please tell us how much you love it and maybe we will start posting even more of our beautiful creations. 

We love love love you!


  1. Wow ! I f-e-e-l your Love ! So it ! To me, this is more like a wonderful Food romantic love movie....rather than fruit or food porn (which is a funny term nonetheless).

  2. Did you guys do this all yourselves? its loooks fantastic
