Monday, February 25, 2013

How do you treat animals?

“The greatness of a nation and its moral progress can be judged by the way its animals are treated.”

I just read this on a webpage for information about the Essenes. It sounds like they were some very amazing people. Every day I feel inspired to educate people about the truth of what is really happening to animals all across this earth, every single hour, every single day. 
I need those of you who are reading this to pause and take a moment to considering the nature of suffering. Those humans who suffer pain, do so by choice; they are evolved to that point of having at least some awareness of the choices that they make to either feel pain or joy, even if they simply suffer out of habit (which is all it is).
However, the animals who are tortured, kicked, punched, raped, cut, shoved into boxes, and have hate projected onto them by those who truly hate themselves, they are not choosing this. They are not choosing to be the object of another's own self-denial - they simply want to be loved. They simply want to be happy, to feel at peace with life and live in harmony with their families and their loved ones. They just want to live in freedom. Don't we all?

I know you hear it probably once every other day depending on where you live, but if you are not living a vegan lifestyle, you are choosing to contribute to the real pain and utter terror of these beautiful, beautiful very sentient creatures. You are choosing to allow the mental disease of others leak off into your life, whether you believe it or not. You are choosing fear over love. I'm not going to sugar-coat it. Even cheese and eggs are not truly vegetarian, not when the mother cow is being raped for her milk and having her child torn from her not even moments after he is born, and the hens beaks are being clipped even on organic farms. Not when this world is the way it is. And you can't continue to pretend as if you don't know, as if you don't see. Because it's clear and plain to see for all who choose a way of compassion and open their eyes.
May some part of you awaken to something you have not seen before every day. Our actions, even if they seem small, do indeed make a profound difference and impact on the whole consciousness of this world. 

1 comment:

  1. Such a brilliant statement by Ghandi. You know, I recently saw a photo on FB where someone in China paid $8000 to save a truckful of dogs being taken to be slaughtered. And in North America, puppy mills will be disclosed. More and more people going veg and vegan. Small victories.

    Question: How do you eliminate the darkness? Answer: You turn on the light.

    Our disgust, disbelief emits a vibration that can in fact perpetuate it. Ah! I need to take heed to that comment on another matter too.

    While small actions all matter, our thinking and dreams are what will really impact change. Here is a video that illustrates this vibrational offering perfectly. While the topic is not the same, it is relevant, in that it offers the solutions we will create in what we are vibrating and expecting. Ghandi did not change others, he did not struggle against the terrible injustices. He just saw perfectly, the dream in his mind, and his actions that flowed perfectly from his vibrational offerings... slowly created a world that moved towards that dream.
