Monday, October 22, 2012

A few words on cannabis.

I want to say, before I begin writing this, that none of what I say is intended to attract people to smoking cannabis nor discourage its use. I am simply going to tell my story, and state some truths that I feel need to be recognized.

Up until a couple of months ago, I used to smoke every day, at least once a day, more if I felt the desire or compulsion to do so. I had been doing this since 2011, when during that summer I was forced to take anti-psychotic medications (which by the way contain heavy metals like fluoride and actually do the opposite of what they are prescribed for; another post on this later), and so smoking cannabis was naturally the best way to counter-act this awful stuff that I, fortunately, was able to stop taking after a short time. And smoking really did help. It helped me to stop feeling so sad, and got me into a higher energy level than I would have been. It helped me to perceive beyond my ordinary limitations. And it gave me a sense of well-being that I so desperately needed.

I stopped smoking this summer. It was something I had been feeling for a long time, and at a certain point in, I think the end of July, I realized that at this point all I had been doing the past few months while smoking was allowing myself to become fixated, lethargic, and lazy. So I stopped. It was actually very easy to do so. I simply knew that it was no longer benefiting me. 

Cannabis is one of the most aromatic herbs in the world. It also happens to be one of the most nutritionally beneficial, in its raw form. When you burn this herb, you activate the psychoactive properties for which it is so infamous. But you destroy all of the beautiful benefits that this herb offers in its pure state. In fact, the raw plant does not even contain THC.

Cannabis, in its psychoactive state, is an inhibitor. Many people know this word but they truly have no idea what it means. To inhibit means to restrain, block, or suppress.  As most of us know, we have cannabinoid receptors in our brains that exist independently of whether we smoke cannabis or not. These are part of what processes it when it comes into our bodies (in the smoke form, of course.) In low doses, it produces extra amounts of serotonin in the brain, one of the chemical compounds that contribute to our sense of well-being. But in large doses, it actually decreases the levels of serotonin in the brain. That's why it can make people feel depressed, tired, and all around lethargic. 

I would recommend, if you are going to smoke, some very small amounts and don't smoke frequently.

But the good news is, if you love the smell and flavor of this delicious herb, than you get to enjoy all the amazing nutrition, too :) Just eat it raw! It contains CBD, an antioxidant that is reportedly stronger than vitamins C and E. It helps all cell types to function more effectively. If you can get large amounts at a time, I've heard that juicing it can be extremely beneficial, and it has the same medicinal benefits as any other form, except it's more potent in the healing sense. 

I hope this was informative and not biased. Thanks for reading this, and I hope it inspires you to do you own personal research. There's much, much more information on this if you are interested. 

Love you guys,
 A <3

1 comment:

  1. This is so interesting...thank you ! Yes it seemed to me to be very unbiased and informative. I recall smoking it years and years ago in a friend's place in the country, as her parents actually grew it in their living room, and also in my teens in the Caribbean. I can see why it would have appeared to have been helpful to you given what you experienced in the summer of 2011. On one occasion under its influence I 'saw' beyond ordinary limitations, although I can now say unequivocally many years later that my ability to experience things beyond ordinary senses (dimensionally) are far, far greater stone cold sober...same with the enjoyment of anything else pleasurable for that matter....again in my limited experience. It appears that in its raw form it could be really tasty, and that is good to know. Maybe a combined weed-kale juice; (had amazing locally grown green kale today and will have black organic kale on Friday). I would simply get used to the fact that its effects raw are simply completely different from when you smoke it, which is new news to me. Thanks to your article we are exposed to yet another example of "you don't know....what you don't know." <3 <3 (pure breath love)
