Sunday, October 7, 2012

Mayan astrology...

I know this is not food related, but this is an amazing resource for finding out the Mayan energies for each day, as well as any date you'd like to look up, such as your or a friend's birthday. It includes the Dreamspell calendar, the Tzolkin, and the Haab calendar glyphs. It also shows the moon phase, and has lots of wonderful resources for people who want to truly understand what all the talk about the Mayan calendar really means.

This is a quote on the website that explains a little about how this can help re-align you with your Essence Self and the new energy on earth that is accessible to us at this time in our planet's rapid transformation:

"How? through the use of the Dreamspell Oracle to arouse and reconstruct the memory of galactic time. By reconstructing the third-dimensional space suit, the human body, with its fourth-dimensional holon, galactic time is the direct revelation of the law of the kin. In the law of the kin, all kin are equal. It is for the planetary kin, equal and free, to create a path of power for the rainbow nation that is completely liberated of all institutions, money, war, poverty." From "The Mayan Factor, Path Beyond Technology" Dr. Argüelles. The Mayan Dreamspell calendar by Jose Argüelles is based on the Mayan Tzolkin Calendar.

Please check it out, and look at it every day if you so wish. It has helped us immensely in every aspect of our lives, and if you are interested, I recommend downloading the Mayan Oracle which is available through the website. We we blessed to be given a copy by our friend Kate who knew Jose during his life on earth. Thank you for reading this. The more of us who expand our awareness, the easier it is for everyone to access these understandings.

with love,

1 comment:

  1. What an amazing website, thank you ! I cannot profess to understand it all, and have bookmarked it. I am a Red Overtone Moon, my Earth Family is Gateway (so is my dog's), and my Clan is Blood (my dog's is Sky).
