Saturday, October 6, 2012

Some of the delicious wonders we've created...

Sprouted wheat berry pizza with raw tomato sauce, vegan cashew cheese, olives, mushrooms, onions, and peppers!

Beet, mineola, and orange juice!

Green smoothie with cashew milk, pumpkin pie spice, almonds, banana, and agave. And kale!

Guacamole with wild mushrooms!

pink juice yay!

Pie crust for pumpkin pie! 
with brazil nut flour, dates, almond butter, cacao butter, a little agave, cinnamon, and paprika!

Pumpkin pie filling made with raw pumpkin, soaked goji berries, brazil nut milk, pumpkin pie spice, cinnamon, cardamon, and lots of raw cane sugar and love!

Pumpkin seeds! yay!

Yummy thai-style salad with assorted greens, pineapple, peppers, red onion, cherry tomatoes and spicy dressing made from coconut vinegar.


  1. Hmmmmmm! This all looks scrumptious, especially the raw pumpkin pie filling ! You are all set for a Canadian Thanksgiving tomorrow even though you're not there ! I'd like to buy a bunch of recipe books before they've been created, please !

    1. haha! we'll be posting lots more pictures and descriptions on here for inspiration :)

  2. It is so important to eat food such as this that you have made, that is raw, organic, without toxins like sugar and MSG. Hope it's okay to post this article on your website about MSG:

    Special alert – how MSG makes you gain weight
    October 12, 2012 by Dr. Dittman

    Sat. Oct. 13, 2012 by Roy Dittman, OMD, MH, DM
    (NaturalHealth365) Today, we just got our first fall rain. You know the kind that leaves the air crisp, cold, and clean? To celebrate, my family made some homemade soup using a concentrated broth we bought at the “health” food store.
    The label does not mention MSG, so my partner thinks it is safe… until we all begin getting headaches. We check the label and realize that “yeast extract” is a “code word” for MSG.
    Millions of people are (secretly) being poisoned by MSG – everyday!
    We quickly dose up on CoQ10 and vitamin C, both of which have been shown to counteract the effects. With no relief, (and curious) my family and I go to the grocery store and do a little research.
    Turns out, over 80% of the foods we randomly pull off of the shelf either have MSG, or ingredients that contain free glutamate (an MSG-derivative). Tip toeing through the aisles, we start to realize how difficult it is to get anything healthy these days that has not be contaminated by MSG.
    It’s time to reveal the “code names” for MSG
    The FDA does not require restaurants or food manufacturers to tell you if there is MSG in their food and if so, how much. So, like most additives, Americans have to “play detective”.

    Beware of the following ingredients, which are “code words” for MSG or its excitotoxic cousin, glutamate: MSG, yeast extract, corn maltodextrin, molasses, disodium caseinate, L-Cysteine, casein, caseinate, cane sugar, kombu extract, bouillon, natural flavors, nitrates, nitrites, erythroborate, carrageenan, calcium caseinate, broth, beet sugar, aspartame, guar gum, glutamate, gelatin, hydrolyzed vegetable protein, textured protein, vegetable gum and wheat gluten.

    What is MSG and where does it come from?

    MSG was first produced in 1908 by a Japanese company by the name of Ajinomoto. It was first introduced in the U.S. around 1968.
    Chefs will tell you that the MSG brings out the taste in otherwise bland foods. Food chemists will tell you that MSG is addictive, which is one of the reasons why it began replacing salt over the past several decades – especially in snack foods such as Doritos® and most fast food sold at places such as, McDonalds®, KFC®, Taco Bell®, Panda Express® and Burger King®.

    To make rats fat, scientists inject them with MSG!
    When scientists want to study obesity, they take healthy rats and inject them with MSG during the perinatal period. So, let’s compare the Standard American Diet (SAD) to the diet of a MSG-induced obese rat and see if we can draw some comparisons. Injecting a fetal or newborn rat with 2 to 4 mg/kg of body weight for 5 days is all that it takes to turn that healthy rat into an obese, addictive, insulin resistant (Diabetic) rat.
