Thursday, October 18, 2012

Say NO to GMO

Have you ever seen the logo on food products labeled the Non-GMO project? Or the circle with USDA Organic? Both of those mean that the seed of the plant was left in its natural state to grow and was not tested with DNA from another species or spliced with genes from a completely non related organism. GMO stands for genetically modified organism and was introduced by the CHEMICAL company, Monsanto, in the late 80's. This laboratory created seed creates a very unnatural, unstable crossbreed of animals, plants, bacteria, and even viruses in the very food that is sold in the store.
GMO food is not only bad for our health, but they destroy crops and the land the food is grown upon. Genetically modified foods increase the chance of food allergens, intestinal inflammation, Autism, nutrient deficiency, infertility in women, physical mutations, irritable bowl syndrome, cancer, heart problems, and even death. Many lab tested rats who were fed GM corn and soy had defected reproduction systems as well as heart failure. GM foods haven't been around that long so there are probably hundreds of damaging occurances in our bodies that take place that haven't fully developed yet to test anything. We are literally be experimented on by the agriculture industry and most people do not even know it.
The most common genetically modified foods grown are corn, soy, sugar beets, canola oil, cotton, alfalfa, zucchini, and squash. Even though this is a limited number of crops, they are grown  commercially and mass produced and are so processed into syrups, meals, powders, sugars, oils, and products that don't even contain the word of the plant. For example corn makes up corn starch, caramal color, corn syrup, corn meal, dextrose, MSG, malt, iodized salt, hydrolyzed vegetable protein, and the list goes on and on. Most of the GM crops are sprayed heavily with RoundUp, and other pesticides, insecticides, herbicides, fungicides...
One of the most ridiculous things about GM foods is that there has never been found one benefit from using them. The crops do not grow faster, the food does not taste better at all, it doesn't look better, they aren't less vulnerable to insects or bugs.
I could go on forever talking about this so I suggest watching the 1hr 24 min documentary explaining in detail all the detriments of genetically modified crops. It's called Genetic Roulette, and here's the link:

Also, here's a link the the non-GMO project which promotes organic food and informs people everyday about what we are eating:

In California on November 6th there was a voting that took place to make it mandatory for the California Department of Public Health to label all genetically modified products. The voting was on Proposition 37. This was initiated by the people and over 60% of citizens support it. The FDA repeatedly denies the damage of GMO and is misleading us all so of course they do not support it and claimed it was misleading when in actuality it only states truth. If Proposition 37 was passed, power would shift from corporate control to consumer education.
Proposition 37 states that GMO foods require a label and anything that is GMO cannot be labeled as natural or healthy.

The best thing we can do is to inform each other the dangers of the agriculture industry, chemical companies, and FDA. They are not working towards our benefit and it us completely up to us to stop them and claim our power. Be the change you want to see in the world.


  1. Such an informative article, thank you ! We are winning this war energetically; the 100th monkey syndrome has been met. We may lose a battle here and there, but we will win, because we will never lose. We are for real; we stand for the truth, and for love, because there is nothing else. <3 <3

  2. Thursday, November 1, 2012
    “Nice Shirt—Is that GM Cotton?” – How Genetically Modified Cotton is Taking Over

    Elizabeth Renter
    Activist Post

    There is a very good chance that if you’ve bought anything made of cotton within the last several years, you have indirectly, and most likely unknowingly, supported the GMO industry. That’s because it is estimated that 90 percent of cotton produced worldwide is now genetically modified. While GM cotton likely won’t hurt you, the concern is that we, as consumers, haven’t been kept informed of the presence of these crops and their byproducts in our lives.

    GM Cotton is Taking Over

    According to The Telegraph, British author Simon Ferringo says that only 12 countries in the world actually grow genetically modified cotton, but that their crops account for the majority produced in the world.

    In the United States and elsewhere, the cotton is genetically modified to resist pests. The large prevalence of GM cotton means finding organic cotton is getting more and more difficult and is coming at a heftier price.

    Some retailers have formed a “sustainable cotton consortium”. The companies, known as The Better Cotton Initiative, include Tesco, Sainsbury’s, H&M, Adidas, M&S, and Nike. While they currently have little control over whether or not they are using GM cotton, the companies are working towards more sustainable options.

    “Larger brands tend to do a lot of ‘blending’ – using organic alongside non-organic. The issue is partly about shortage of supply of organic cotton, due to the dominance of the GM corporations. That is why the campaign is pressing big brands to sign up and drive the demand for organic, non-GM cotton,” said a spokesman for the group.

    Cotton farming, in particular, is said to be a “toxic business” according to Amy leech of the Soil Association. “It uses a lot of pesticides—putting in peril the lives of women, men and children in cotton farming communities. 77 million cotton workers suffer poisonings from pesticides each year.”

    By making the cotton crops resistant to pesticides, farmers are encouraged to use even more pesticides with little adverse effects to the crop. This makes an already “toxic business” potentially even more toxic.

    As we reported earlier this year, GM cotton is having tragic effects in India. The suicide rate among Indian cotton farmers has skyrocketed since the introduction of Monsanto’s Bt cotton in 2002. Why? Because the price of seeds has skyrocketed, and with little alternate options, farmers are being stretched thin. About one Indian farmer killed himself every 30 minutes in 2009, for a grand total of 17,638 in that year alone. Their harvests are low and prices are high. The suicide phenomena has become known as “The GM Genocide.”

    Farmers are killing themselves so that we can have our GM cotton t-shirts and socks. It’s difficult to truly grasp the gravity of this matter, but the fact is—it’s happening now and it’s happening, in a large part, due to the GMO industry.

    This article first appeared at Natural Society, an excellent resource for health news and vaccine information.

    1. Thanks so much for posting this... We were just saying how there's something creepy about those cotton commercials on TV. It's so tragic about the Indian farmers, when I heard about that first I almost cried. My love is going out to that country
