Saturday, November 10, 2012

The Woodstock Fruit Festival

I just found out yesterday about something that excites me soooo much :
A Fruit Festival! Actually it's called the Woodstock Fruit Festival. It's basically 9 days of all the fruit you want and amazing speakers and teachers and fun physical activities. It costs about 1,000 dollars, which does seem like a lot, but when you factor in how much everyone is getting from this it really is fine with me. I could go on and on about how inspired I am to save up and go to this thing, but I will simply give you the link for the website and you can watch the documentary yourself :)

I love you,
A <3

1 comment:

  1. This video was so worth watching every minute, thank you so much ! How exciting; I am definitely in; will register before Dec 26 once I receive my October cheque, and maybe win another ticket ! In fact I am contemplating recommending it as a venue for my private club members to attend. That could be a win win, but the festival may have to raise the numbers well beyond 700 if I do this. : ) Visited Woodstock, and love the energy there. What a delicious thought to go back, and in such a healthy environment !
